Go to the downloads page to get this free program for Windows, Linux or Mac machines.Ĭreate different versions of the Koch Curve and play with the Mandelbrot set and the Sierpinski Gasket. There is also a special Android-version for mobile devices. It is Java-based, open-source and runs on any major computer platform. Wildfire is a free and user-friendly image-processing software, mostly known for its sophisticated flame fractal generator. Live-render fractals to your desktop! Windows machines only at this time. It’s simply wonderful! You can pinch to zoom or spin and steer by tilting. This is an app for iPhones and iPads, and it is the best touch screen fractal explorer EVER made. Used by children everywhere, it’s even simple enough for adults. Explore the Mandelbrot set and 23 other fractals. This is the dazzling Real-Time Zoomer featured in our presentations.
XaoS for Windows | XaoS for Mac OS X | Instructions for XaoS | Try the latest pre-release version 4.0 (Linux and Mac Catalina compatible) Try the javascript prototype version of XaoSjs in your browser! We believe that the best way to learn about fractals is to explore them yourself! Please download the fractal software below and begin to explore the infinite realm of fractals.